Soon after my arrival to the realms of Second Life, I stumbled upon the Latex Dolls. I cannot remember what exactly I had been looking for, but I came across their web site and decided to check the place out.
I, of course, landed in the main market. It seemed like another other mall I would eventually encounter in Second Life. Shops, all that. I made my way down to the Rack area – an area I would later learn is where the prospectives endure one of their initial trials. And it was there I had my first meeting with some of the Dolls. Well actually second, but I had not known that at the time.
They were friendly and helpful, as is their nature. And one of them told me there was actually much more to their temple. She suggested I use the transporter – something I had not had any prior experience with – to go visit the rest of the temple.
And so I did.
My first visit to Latexia II and I found myself wandering through the halls of their temple, exploring and getting to know the space there.
It was in the Tower of Wisdom, I think, where I first encountered their Observances. They were listed on a scrolling plaque on the wall, and the best way to observe them was to kneel on the pad provided.
I. Obedience to Latex
II. Obedience to Bondage
III. Obedience to your Sisters
IV. Obedience to the Knowledge and Experience
V. Obedience to equality
VI. Obedience to the spoken word
VII. Obedience to kindness
VIII. Obedience to helpfulness
Yes, I now know they are listed on the Sisterhood’s website, but I had not read it fully before visiting.
Reading the Obediences, at that point I knew I wanted to be a Sister. I had sort of been curious about it before, but something about seeing their actual tenants before me helped me to understand what the Sisterhood was about.
A few days later, it was morning. I was tired from being up so late exploring Second Life and yet I was unable to sleep. I think there is something about Second Life and its dreamlike quality which sort of feed the need to REM even if it does not actually provide rest for the body. So I was laying in my bed and my mind drifted to the Obediences and I started contemplating them.
And then a revelation hit me.
The Obediences are more than some ideas for role playing out the role of a Sister. There was this idea that they actually contained within the latex itself. Like if one understands the Latex one understand the Obediances themselves. And if one understand the Obediances than one can understand the Latex.
Sometimes I just feel so full of crazy.
But then I looked at each one in turn and how it could be related to the form and function of latex.
I. Obedience to Latex
That one is sort of obvious. Latex is what it is. It is nothing else. It cannot be. It is the most important Obedience, because from it all others flow.
II. Obedience to Bondage
Latex constrains us. It holds us in. It confines us. And it gives us boundaries through which we can explore and understand ourselves more fully.
III. Obedience to your Sisters
Latex binds us together. It is fluid and flexible and brings us together as one.
IV. Obedience to the Knowledge and Experience
This is the most difficult to relate, but I know it is there. I think I had it that morning so many days ago, but lost it. I will have to come back to this one at some point.
V. Obedience to equality
When we are in Latex, we are the same. The Latex helps us to let go of our own personal egos and become part of the collective. But at the same time it does not entirely strip us of our identity and uniqueness. Under the surface, we are still there.
VI. Obedience to the spoken word
Because the Latex conceals and constrains, we much speak with thoughtfulness and intention. We cannot be haphazard in our communication.
VII. Obedience to kindness
Latex, while binding and constraining is also yielding and gentle. It is not like Metal, which is hard, rigid and cold. It is not Leather, which can be flexible but still strict and unforgiving in its boundaries. It is not Cloth or Silk, which is easy penetrated and provides little structure of framework. Latex gives in those areas where the wearer need it to give the most, and holds firm those areas the wearer needs the most structure. In many ways, it is the ultimate kindness.
VIII. Obedience to helpfulness
Latex is helpful. Its usefulness extends to so many areas.
These are some of the thoughts I’ve had about how the Observances relate to Latex. I am sure there is much more. And as I mentioned, there are some areas which need to be reflected on at much greater length. But this is simply the beginning of that journey.
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