It was inevitable. I’ve not even been in Second Life three weeks and I already have a flock of submissive around me who all want me to list me as owners on their collars. Most of them female identified in the game. More than a few I suspect Assigned Male at Birth (AMAB). Thought there might be a few cis woman and male (trans and cis) in there as well. Or at least, I would be surprised if I picked up a few at some point.
It just sort of happens. I am most often the most willful, compassionate and dominant personality in a space. I cannot help it. I could make up some woogy woogy excuse of having been Companion to my Priest, Harem Den Mother and Counselor/Concubine leader for so many lives. Sometimes I simply explain that I am an Alpha Slave type where most are betas. But whatever it is, I like to just do things and I tend to collect people up in my wake.
So to that end, I felt I should write up a little something about this to give out those who would so readily add me as one of their owners on their collar.
I am not you Mistress
First, I am not your Mistress. Please do not call me that. Sable is fine. As is Miss or Ms. Ma’am is sort of tolerable, but that one feels very reserved for my Baby Girl. And Sis is okay, but not Big Sis or Big Sister. Those are reserved for my little sister. I would say Sister is good, but since I am considering joining the LatexDoll Sisterhood, I will say no, because that might cause confusion. Madame is only tolerable from the LatexDoll Sisterhood, because that form of address is part of their strictures.
I have also entertained the idea of Lady Twilight or Ms Twilight, but I think I will reserve those for if I ever become a professional dominatrix.
So in short, you can call me Sable, Miss, Ms, or sis. Everything else is out and will likely start to annoy me.
And I am not your Mom! *punches you hard in the arm*
I am not your Mistress
Really. I may like you, cherish you and adore you. But there is no way I can be your long term owner. I am here fulfilling a role to help take a little of that hunger and edge off. I cannot sustain you long term.
You will continue to search for a more permanent, long term owner.
I am submissive
And what I do is a form of submission.
Deep down I am a deeply submissive individual. I need it. I crave it. Probably as much as you do. That is how come I can read you and understand you so well. I know where you are at and where you are coming from.
But because I am a submissive myself, fulfilling those needs for me must come first. If I cannot get them meet, than I become cranky, surly and snappish.
I take this stuff very seriously
While I may not always have the time, and while you may freely leave at any time, please give it some very deep consideration before adding me as an owner. I take the role very responsibly. If there is a rough spot, it will be worked through. So be mindful before asking me become one of your owners. And please don’t just add or drop me on a whim.
I will not provide structure
I am very fluid in what I do and I believe strongly personal responsibility and dedication. I will not provide you with structure, but I can provide you with some tools by which you can make structure for yourself.
You are not the only one
All those feelings that have risen up in you since out meeting? You are not the only one to have experienced them. Sun sign, I am a Libra, and we tend to have a long string of lovers and adorers
Or at least we can if we wanted.
And there is a reason I do not date Scorpios. I cannot handle the entourage. They bring with them on dates. Even if they are not physically present, they are still there in some level.
My Moon, Mercury and Venus – that is my emotional, communication and love style – are all Scorpio. I have an entourage. It is highly doubtful we will ever have true one-on-one time.
If you are okay with that, fine. Please try to meet with the others around me. In a way, they will be your strongest sources of support.
Mercurial in my attentions
There will be times when where one moment it is all about you. Where you will be the center of my world. And then the next moment I will be onto someone or something else.
No topping from the bottom
While I do appreciate getting to understand your internal terrain, topping from the bottom – making those “helpful” suggestions are right out. I might have another plan. I might be in the middle of something. I might be enjoying my conversation I am having with the person I am with and running off some place would interrupt that.
That said, if you are in need of something, let me know. Directly. Or ask.
I can understand and appreciate “Sable, I really need to be locked down. It would help me feel more secure right now,” much better than “Maybe you might like to...?” One gives me better understanding of your core needs. The other just feels manipulative.
I would strongly recommend you keep a journal. For yourself, primarily. But there may be times when there is something in it you will need to share.
Oh, and you get to ask, or at least tell me about your needs and mental state in public chat. This as much for you and for you to help teach other as it is for me. However, if the public channel is very busy, an exception may be made.
I have a lot of projects
The Universe likes to keep me pretty busy both online and offline. Not just school. And not just my temple idea. But also things I am doing for and with people in a lot of ways.
And sometimes I simply need a break from everything and everyone.
Because of that there may be times when I disappear for days or even weeks at a time. I will be back, but it might be away. Remember those others I told you is your support network? Make use of them.
And a lot of dreams
I like to wander and explore. Sometimes I like to try out wild, new things. And a lot of times I like being alone. I am an introvert, and so sometimes I just need to go off to strange places by myself.
In terms of Second Life, there are a lot of edgy places I need to go. And having to take care of a submissive or group of submissives all the time sort of gets in the way of all that.
You will change around me
Now and forever, I dedicate myself to change.
In myself and the world:
I will sunder the barriers that lead to stagnation.
I will let go of things that have outlived their use.
I will live as a catalyst, allowing change to flow in me, through me.
And I will embrace this path in heart, mind, and soul.
This is more than just a saying or a mantra or devotional to me. It really is an embodiment of what I am. I am a catalyst. I transform people around me. In time, you will not be the same person you are today. Not because I will make you a different person, but because I will bring out something that is already there in you. And you will end up changing yourself.
And I will get into your head
I will learn your buttons. I will push them. It is part of what I do.
I like to go scary places
And the buttons I like to push most are those edgy buttons. I do some heavy mind stuff. Some of it will be scary, because I like to go to scary places.
But you will be better, a little bit stronger, a little bite more You manifest, than when I found you.
Being a dominant is a lot of work
It really is. Especially when you have to manage multiple people who would give their submission to you.
Most professional dominants in the world outside Second Life charge anywhere from $60 to $180 an hour US for online chat sessions. I’ve notices the dominants here charge far, far less. Actually, I’ve noticed that the second life sex workers in general are making far less than they would if they were working elsewhere doing text or phone work. And most of them are making less than $5 an hour US.
Think about that for a moment.
The excuse it that this is supposed to be a game, so don’t expect the same level of devotion or dedication you would get if you were actually paying a dominatrix or otherwise supporting one in other environments.
Along with that, if I am topping you, focusing my attention on your desires and needs, that cuts into my time to earn a living in Second Life. It coopts my time to job hunt, put in applications, put together work outfits, practice with scripting and AOs. interview, be focused on my job, write up responses and replies, and simply serve customers.
It also take me away from other fun things. Maybe I am wanting to go learn how to pilot a mech or learn combat or join in with the other vampires. Or, oh my god, go shopping – if I happen to have cash. Or simply visit and socialize.
Or writing pieces like this.
I am not saying or asking or demand you pay me. I am simply asking you to take all that into consideration ion our interactions – not just me, but for any dominant, master or mistress you may interact with, online or off. Take all this into consideration and act accordingly.
You will have a sisterhood
I have a set up a group which I will invite you to. It will be made up of others who, like yourself, had requested to have me as one of their owners – both past and present. Get to know your sisters. Talk and converse. Show each other kindness and support.
Just as I do not use Priest, Master or Sir in a gendered way, Sisterhood is not so much about a gender as it is about role and relation to one another.
You will give back
In some way you will give back to the greater community. Perhaps you are already doing that now. That is good. If not, you will find a way. The way in which you give back up to you, but it is important to me.
And I am crazy
I have some crazy woogy woogy spiritual beliefs. I hold them very closely and dearly. And part of that crazy spiritual woogy woogy is about crazy spiritual woogy woogy going on around. And I sort of both half believe and half not believe in all of it.
You’ll have to put up with that.
And you may even get sucked into it.