Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Time Zone Isolation

There is a strange form of isolation I experience in Second Life, and that is isolation through time zone.
I find sometimes many of the places I like to visit in SL are empty.  Yet I know there are active communities in those areas.  The Doll Detention Center, HBC, Kelly Park, Latexia, Rubber Room, Sin-Labs... When I go there, I often find myself wandering around sort of alone, with few or no people to interact with.
And I realize that a lot of it has to do with my time zone (Mountain or GMT -7) and the times I am able to be on (evenings).
It really became exacerbated during my Potential time for the LatexDolls (Yes, I did end up joining, and as of this writing I am now awaiting a time to arrange my ceremony).  Trying to arrange my final Lesson was exceedingly difficult because there are never any teachers who were qualified to teach Lesson 6 on the same times I were on.  This is in large part due to the fact that I think the majority of the Dolls reside in European time zones – particularly most of the MDolls.  By the time I am able to log in most evenings, it is well past midnight in those areas.
Even during my times at the Racks – which were both generally uneventful and somehow notoriously addicting – I frequently considered myself fortunate if there was simply another Doll or Potential or two there I could have a little bit of a conversation with.  And since my mentor pretty much dropped off the face of the map about half way through my Potential period
And speaking of my ceremony, I think just about all the Priestess Dolls are in Europe as well.  So that has be a little concerned about timing.  I guess I am just being neurotic now.
Don’t get me wrong.  There are a number of people I have had the good fortune to meet and become friends (and lovers) with even with this challenge.
It’s just... I feel like I am always missing something when I come in.  That I am always just a little too for a party that just ended.  I often wonder how dynamic will end up playing out over the next few months.  Will the handful of Dolls who are on the same times I am be able to make a difference in my involvement?  Or will just the continued time zone isolation just drive me away.


  1. Yes, this is very true. I work 11 hour shifts and most of the activity at the sims I have joined happens while I am either at work or sleeping. I know this because of all the IM's to email I get on my phone while I am at work.

  2. Sadly there is not much todo against it i fear
